Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Friday, December 21, 2007

New Side Job

So I am now officially the new adjunct for Cartooning at UCO. I am actually excited, I think it is going to be fun. And Sean, I hope you take it if you can. There is so much I can learn from you. Well, here is my robot robot, not sure on his name yet. Maybe Stanley...that is my fav so far. Abracadabra Homes!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Work, no play.

Howdy all, sorry for not keeping up w/ stuff. I have been more tangled than swamp thing's hair in the morning with all the work I have had to do lately. Picky people are very unpleasant. You know what I mean. I mean there is a difference between a nag and a perfectionist. I am the latter, whilst I work with the afore mentioned. Anyway, I will be back soon, with a vengance. Out.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

So I was trying to come up with a family of cows for a children's book, and the original dad was pretty macho, so I decided to "white" trash him up a bit.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


So I tried my hand at my first speedpaint today. It took like 25 to 30 minutes in PS. I know it sucks, but this is my first time. So be gentle ;)

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The father cow of a family of Moos. Exploring matte canvas

30 minutes.

the wiz

i always thought of my "character" as a wizard, or maestro, and a clumsy one like Merlin. Here is my go against Inkstasy and Michael's Fallen for the coolest character. This is only the beginning.

random girl

okay, forcing myself to draw straight into the computer and it is a bit of a challenge compared to tradition. Here is the lovely vixen that emerged. Below are the roughs.