Friday, December 21, 2007

New Side Job

So I am now officially the new adjunct for Cartooning at UCO. I am actually excited, I think it is going to be fun. And Sean, I hope you take it if you can. There is so much I can learn from you. Well, here is my robot robot, not sure on his name yet. Maybe Stanley...that is my fav so far. Abracadabra Homes!


- sean - said...

bro i'm enrolled in it already, in keith's section but i'll be pumped to sit in on your classes. i'm going to suck all your knowledge out. also....

i have a collab project in mind, so free up some time for when i get back in town this week. it's starting to piece itself together.

Luke said...

Fo sho i will, and I figured you had already enrolled. At least I will be there on M/W evenings to hang out...ditto on the knowledge suckage.